CTC celebrated Genesis Sunday on September 10, 2023. Fun was had by all. Here are a few pictures from that day.

Cake Walk - Genesis Sunday 2023
Fun for All

Lou Diechman, Debbie Davis, Ron Platt
Some of our devoted workers

Genesis Sunday 2023
Bethany Scovill & Asher Neville
CTC had their summer picnic under the tent in the backyard on July 24, 2022. We originally had planned to do the worship service outside too, but the rain storm (which was so badly needed) made us adjust our plans. Here are some photos from the day - the food was delicious and fun was had by all who were able to attend.

Picnic - July 24, 2022

Picnic - July 24, 2022

Picnic - July 24, 2022

Picnic - July 24, 2022
Here a a few photos taken over the years here at Countryside. They are in no particular order and will be updated from time to time.

Genesis Sunday 2023
Fun for all

Cake Walk - Genesis Sunday 2023
Fun for All

Genesis Sunday 2023
Front: Lynne Groom, Barb Groom
Back: Jackie Williams, Debbie Davis
Seated: Nancy Easlick
Back: Jackie Williams, Debbie Davis
Seated: Nancy Easlick